
Community Industry

Satisfying Industrial Customer Demand in the Digital Age
Satisfying Industrial Customer Demand in the Digital Age

As the pace of digital accelerates, industrial companies that hope to remain competitive will need to undertake a deeper grasp of customer interactions at all touchpoints—from pre-sales to delivery and service. The approach that industrial manufacturers take to market digital products and... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted07/24/2018

NAM Manufacturers Outlook
NAM Manufacturers Outlook

In the most recent NAM Manufacturers’ Outlook Survey, respondents cited accelerating raw material costs as the number two business concern (after workforce recruitment and retention), with prices expected to rise over the next 12 months at the fastest pace in seven years. New data out last... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted07/24/2018

Material Handling Maintenance Needs Cloud-Based Efficiency
Material Handling Maintenance Needs Cloud-Based Efficiency

When you use heavy-duty equipment to complete large tasks, you face the risk that big things will go wrong. This is why specialized material handling equipment required for industrial manufacturing has become a focal point for concerns about operational efficiency, preventive maintenance, and... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted07/17/2018

Avoid the Blame Game
Avoid the Blame Game

Root cause analysis can solve problems effectively. This may sound familiar. Manufacturer’s efforts to do more for less have resulted in the purchasing department sourcing products to the cheapest provider. Such cost-cutting certainly makes purchasing groups look like heroes to management,... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted07/17/2018

Aerospace Suppliers Look to Blockchain for Parts Tracking
Aerospace Suppliers Look to Blockchain for Parts Tracking

Aerospace suppliers are starting to explore Blockchain technology to keep tabs on their supply chain, potentially tracking parts such as that at the center of a Southwest Airlines accident last month. While Blockchain is best known as the digital transactions technology that underpins... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted07/17/2018

Beyond Traditional Fire Detection
Beyond Traditional Fire Detection

Video fire detection employs surveillance cameras and software analytics to detect smoke and flames. Those who work in and visit high-rise office buildings, warehouses, petroleum storage facilities, electric power plants, and other sizable structures and outdoor work areas are commonly subject... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted07/11/2018

Feature Interview: New IFS CEO Darren Roos
Feature Interview: New IFS CEO Darren Roos

"THE LEVEL OF DISRUPTION ... IS AT A LEVEL UNLIKE ANYTHING THAT ANY OF OUR CUSTOMERS HAVE EVER SEEN," ROOS TELLS PLANT SERVICES. Darren Roos officially took the reins as CEO of Global Enterprise Software Company IFS on April 1, succeeding the now-retired Alastair Sorbie. In naming Roos, most... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted07/11/2018

4 Solutions to the 3 Biggest Cybersecurity Challenges
4 Solutions to the 3 Biggest Cybersecurity Challenges

Industrial control systems need protection, too. Cybersecurity and the threat of malicious actors make headlines every day. Boards of directors are recognizing cyber threats as one of the most significant risks. To date, this cybersecurity discussion has centered largely on IT systems; however,... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted07/3/2018

Calibration Intervals
Calibration Intervals

Establishing calibration intervals for gages and instruments is a tricky business, particularly if you’re starting from scratch. Calibration data, knowledge of metrology, and experience come into play in this game, so before we begin let’s look at the goal we hope to achieve. Reliable... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted07/3/2018

Cyber Risk Management
Cyber Risk Management

Approaching cybersecurity first requires a thorough risk assessment. Completing that assessment is not as complicated as you might think. Cybersecurity is a hot topic in the industrial control system (ICS) world. What does cybersecurity mean to your organization and how do you implement proper... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted06/26/2018

Are You Undermining Your Leadership Credibility?
Are You Undermining Your Leadership Credibility?

I have had the opportunity to coach a number of different leaders. Sometimes I am asked to observe how a leader interacts with their team members and then provide the leader with feedback about the impact of their behavior on the team. When I observe a lack of engagement in a leader’s... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted06/26/2018

Cyber Strategies to Keep Your Facility and Fleet Safe
Cyber Strategies to Keep Your Facility and Fleet Safe

If you don't know where you're vulnerable, someone else will find out. We live in a digital era – one in which data collection and sharing happens instantaneously across channels, creating enhanced efficiencies and providing faster results. The internet of things (IoT) is changing the... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted06/26/2018