
Community Industry

Translating Safety
Translating Safety

Too often corporate leaders and safety professionals speak very different languages. Learn how to overcome this language barrier. I recently consulted with a group of safety professionals who wanted help explaining to their corporate leaders how their function added value to the organization.... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted09/19/2018

Ghost in the Machine: Robotic Process Automation and the Digital Workforce Revolution
Ghost in the Machine: Robotic Process Automation and the Digital Workforce Revolution

The manufacturing industry is in the midst of a digital renaissance, broadly known as Industry 4.0. In this age of advanced machinery and computers, companies have become increasingly reliant on automation technologies such as robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted09/19/2018

Boeing, Airbus Strain to Deliver the New Jets They Have Promised – Update
Boeing, Airbus Strain to Deliver the New Jets They Have Promised – Update

Boeing Co. and Airbus SE, swamped with orders for new jets, are struggling to deliver them all on time - in some cases angering customers and delaying payments. Airbus has missed a number of deadlines for deliveries, forcing airline customers to find alternatives, change routes, or cancel... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted09/19/2018

Why Did it Fail? Breaking Down Asset Failures
Why Did it Fail? Breaking Down Asset Failures

KEEP, TRACK, AND TREND FAILURE CAUSES TO OPTIMIZE YOUR MAINTENANCE PROGRAM. The study of failure for the purpose of improving asset reliability in a maintenance program starts with the relationship that failure has with function. At the highest level in the reliability structure, equipment and... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted09/12/2018

Hacking the Factory Floor: Cybersecurity in Smart Manufacturing
Hacking the Factory Floor: Cybersecurity in Smart Manufacturing

When you think of hacking, you might think of viruses or ransomware attacks where computers are unable to operate unless a bitcoin is paid to an anonymous cybercriminal. In the manufacturing sector, the reality isn’t quite so public. First, the practical physical realities of the industrial... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted09/12/2018

Consumer Confidence Running Strong
Consumer Confidence Running Strong

Americans have stepped up their purchases in recent months, which is encouraging given some hesitance in opening their wallets earlier in the year. Indeed, personal spending increased by 0.3% in July, extending the 0.4% gains seen in both May and June. Overall, consumer spending has remained a... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted09/12/2018

Digital Transformation: People, Process, and Technology Mature with Better Technology, Methodology,
Digital Transformation: People, Process, and Technology Mature with Better Technology, Methodology,

An issue in the manufacturing process needs a solution. It could be mechanical equipment reliability and integrity, or inadequate process equipment performance and resulting failures, or another complex issue. How do you select the solution? I remember years ago being told in no uncertain terms by... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted09/6/2018

Safe at Any Speed: Getting Workers to Use Their Protective Gear
Safe at Any Speed: Getting Workers to Use Their Protective Gear

Small changes in training can lead to big results. Buying safety equipment and getting workers to use it are two entirely different things. Anecdotally, almost every safety professional I’ve spoken to finds it much easier to go shopping for the latest hard hat and safety glasses than... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted09/6/2018

Manufacturing Companies are Wary of Internal Fraud
Manufacturing Companies are Wary of Internal Fraud

Today’s organizations face a perfect storm of fraud related risks – internal, external, regulatory, and reputational. In PwC’s latest Global Economic Crime and Fraud Survey, we gathered responses from more than 7,200 clients and third-party participants across 123 territories... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted08/29/2018

Robots or Job Training: Manufacturers Grapple with How to Improve Their Economic Fortunes
Robots or Job Training: Manufacturers Grapple with How to Improve Their Economic Fortunes

With unemployment low and wages creeping up, companies have an incentive to become more efficient — an exercise that tends to drive economic progress. HICKSVILLE, Ohio — For Anthony Nighswander, rock-bottom unemployment is both a headache and an opportunity. For businesses and... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted08/29/2018

Inside the Digital Factory
Inside the Digital Factory

Cutting-edge technology gives a glimpse into the future of how things will get made, and what manufacturers must do to stay relevant. The industrial world has been in the throes of digitization for well over a decade. Primarily through enterprise resource planning (ERP) and manufacturing... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted08/29/2018

How Data is Changing the Nature of Maintenance and Repair
How Data is Changing the Nature of Maintenance and Repair

With industrial equipment repair costs and complexities on the rise, many manufacturers have been rethinking their maintenance repair and operations (MRO) processes. While they’ve often viewed these activities as a cost center, more manufacturers are using technology and strategy in MRO to... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted08/22/2018