
Community Industry

Your Next Flight Is Brought to You by 3D Printing
Your Next Flight Is Brought to You by 3D Printing

The technology will revolutionize manufacturing, but how? United Technologies, GE, and Honeywell are taking different approaches. Like the cotton gin and the modern assembly line, 3D printing is the kind of breakthrough advancement that holds the promise to revolutionize manufacturing. The... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted05/30/2019

As Supply Chains Get Tech Savvy, is Cybersecurity Keeping Pace?
As Supply Chains Get Tech Savvy, is Cybersecurity Keeping Pace?

With interconnected supply chains, a hack on one supplier can jeopardize an entire business. Supply chain technology is advancing quickly, but are cybersecurity systems keeping pace? The answer is a resounding no. Given the interconnected nature of the supply chain, a hacker can knock out one or... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted05/30/2019

Understanding Lean Tools of the Trade: 5S
Understanding Lean Tools of the Trade: 5S

It's not about housekeeping. 5S improves your workplace environment for better control, productivity, and safety. What if you could spot abnormalities in your work environment in 30 seconds or less? Or you knew where your tools and other instruments were at all times because they had a specific... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted05/30/2019

Setting the Record Straight on Lean
Setting the Record Straight on Lean

Lean, the production system pioneered at Toyota, has fallen victim to a galaxy of misconceptions, say two of its expert minds. But when done right, it can generate wins for managers and companies. Ask what the term “Lean management” means, and you might see the blood drain from... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted05/22/2019

As Manufacturing Goes Digital, Employees Become Our Biggest Advantage
As Manufacturing Goes Digital, Employees Become Our Biggest Advantage

The future of modern manufacturing relies on more than next-generation technologies to optimize the factory floor. Engaging and empowering the next-generation workforce is the key to undergoing a successful digital transformation, and it starts with rethinking underlying business processes and... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted05/22/2019

The Know-Your-Enemies Approach to Cybersecurity
The Know-Your-Enemies Approach to Cybersecurity

In an environment where attack surfaces are expanding thanks to newly connected OT devices, staying one step ahead of the bad guys is critical. Manufacturing companies have long been popular targets for cybercriminals. Until recently, the reason for this was two-fold. First, manufacturers are... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted05/22/2019

MTI’s Partner APPI Energy Helps Members Manage Energy Expenses
MTI’s Partner APPI Energy Helps Members Manage Energy Expenses

MTI is partnered with APPI Energy to provide our members with data-driven energy procurement solutions, designed to save time, reduce expenses, and create budget certainty. Through our member benefit program with APPI Energy, MTI members have access to 23 years of energy industry expertise, as... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted05/22/2019

NAM Update: Ex-IM Nominee Confirmation and China Trade Deal
NAM Update: Ex-IM Nominee Confirmation and China Trade Deal

Victory: Confirmation of Ex-Im Nominees a Major Bipartisan Win for Manufacturers. Manufacturers secured a victory four years in the making this week when the Senate voted to confirm three nominees to the Export-Import Bank. The Senate confirmed Kimberly Reed to serve as Ex-Im Bank president and... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted05/16/2019

How to Build a Great Culture in a High Turnover World
How to Build a Great Culture in a High Turnover World

What’s the true cost of high turnover? How do you stop the exodus of great talent? What if you can’t? Just a few of the questions that keep coming up with almost every senior leader I speak with. It’s tricky. You can’t control the choices, and there are more choices than... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted05/16/2019

Are You Ready for Growth?
Are You Ready for Growth?

Tread carefully before you start, with these six questions. Lots of manufacturing companies want to grow but don't know how or where. If they had infinite resources, they could stumble around and probably find new customers and markets eventually. But they don't, so they should carefully decide... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted05/16/2019

Want to Reduce Risk? Then Don’t Get Too Caught Up in Procedure
Want to Reduce Risk? Then Don’t Get Too Caught Up in Procedure

Focus on risk reduction outcomes, rather than just completing tasks, to ensure real results. Many companies believe that as long as employees follow established procedures, the organization will achieve safe operations and, therefore, business success. Unfortunately, it’s not that simple.... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted05/8/2019

MTI Spring Meeting Hits the Mark on Education and Connection
MTI Spring Meeting Hits the Mark on Education and Connection

The Metal Treating Institute recently hosted its annual Spring Meeting in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida at the beautiful Hilton Ft. Lauderdale Beach Resort. MTI had over 160 members from 20+ states, Canada, and Mexico in attendance. CLICK HERE to view a photo gallery of highlights. One of the... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted05/8/2019