
Community Industry

Proper Manufacturing Waste Disposal During COVID-19
Proper Manufacturing Waste Disposal During COVID-19

Many items that were easily disposed before may be identified as hazardous now, so manufacturers may need to review and revise handling, storage, and disposal practices. The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the volumes of plant waste across all industrial sectors, including manufacturing. Many... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted04/23/2020

NAM on the Front Lines of Rebuilding Manufacturing
NAM on the Front Lines of Rebuilding Manufacturing

This week, the National Association of Manufacturers released the “American Renewal Action Plan.” It is NAM’s policy plan for our nation’s response, recovery, and renewal—focused on the responsibilities, contributions, and needs of manufacturers. You can read the... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted04/23/2020

Managing the Big Risk of Bringing Your Employees Back to Work
Managing the Big Risk of Bringing Your Employees Back to Work

For many CEOs, this will be the first time dealing with life-or-death human physical safety—and there are a lot of issues to consider. Every organization is being challenged and stressed by the Pandemic. Every leader is being called upon to lead others through this complex human horror.... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted04/23/2020

Boeing to Restart Some Work on Jets in Washington as Early as Monday
Boeing to Restart Some Work on Jets in Washington as Early as Monday

Boeing told employees Friday afternoon it will begin “a safe and orderly restart of limited operations” at a handful of its Washington state sites as early as Monday. Out of about 30,000 employees idled by the shutdown, Boeing will recall only about 2,500 employees for this narrowly... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted04/16/2020

MTI Industry Status Report: April 10 Check-In Business & COVID-19
MTI Industry Status Report: April 10 Check-In Business & COVID-19

Starting on April 3rd, MTI began sending a “weekly check-in” to members to help gauge the operations status of heat treating companies. Here are the latest results from our three key questions requested by members as of this week: At what level of operations is your plant? These... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted04/16/2020

Leading for Maximal Productivity
Leading for Maximal Productivity

This is the final post in a series on productivity. Read parts one, two, three and four. Since rolling out my “four-step” productivity plan, I have seen the need to include an added step that focuses on leadership. After all, if we are going to get more from our people, we need to use... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted04/16/2020

Today's Energy Market and COVID-19
Today's Energy Market and COVID-19

March 23, 2020 APPI Energy is committed to monitoring the COVID-19 developments and how it is affecting the current energy markets and what that means for the foreseeable future. We are dedicated to serving our clients and making the best recommendations based on the market and client needs, even... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted03/26/2020

Leading Your Team Through Crisis
Leading Your Team Through Crisis

As I write this, there are nearly a quarter of a million confirmed cases of COVID-19 globally. This pandemic has challenged businesses around the world to develop innovative ways of working, including having employees work from home in order to minimize the spread of the virus. While telework... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted03/26/2020

NAM Monday Economic Report
NAM Monday Economic Report

NAM Monday Economic Report Clues on the Economic Damage from COVID-19 Emerge Weekly initial unemployment claims jumped from 211,000 to 281,000, the highest level since September 2017. This figure will spike dramatically this week, likely approaching 1 million, with more... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted03/26/2020

Monday Economic Report
Monday Economic Report

OUTLOOK WORRIES SEND RATES TO HISTORIC LOWS DESPITE FEDERAL RESERVE ACTION Financial markets continued to be rocked by concerns about the coronavirus outbreak and the negative impacts on economic activity and the outlook. Global equity markets have pushed further into contraction... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted03/12/2020

Is Mobile Security on Your Radar? It Should Be!
Is Mobile Security on Your Radar? It Should Be!

AS ORGANIZATIONS CONTINUE TO INVEST IN BUILDING OUT IOT ENVIRONMENTS, A FAILURE TO SECURE MOBILE ACCESS COULD PROVE DISASTROUS. While cybersecurity breaches understandably result in data exposure, the extenuating circumstances can prove far more extensive, especially for today’s highly... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted03/12/2020

It’s Time to Kill the Daily Stand-Up Meeting
It’s Time to Kill the Daily Stand-Up Meeting

DAILY STAND-UP MEETINGS MIGHT BE THE QUICKEST WAY TO WASTE YOUR TIME AS A LEADER. HERE’S WHY A DAILY STAND-UP MEETING DOESN’T WORK AND WHAT TO DO INSTEAD. “Is this daily stand-up meeting over yet?” The meeting is only 8 minutes in and no one has uttered those words... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted03/12/2020