
Community Industry

Five Steps to Help Employees Give Honest Feedback
Five Steps to Help Employees Give Honest Feedback

There are many reasons why giving feedback is challenging. Some people shut down after hearing tough feedback, others will actively avoid the person who gave them the feedback, and still others will become angry and lash out. The result can lead to a culture of avoiding feedback altogether. In one... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted07/8/2019

Insider Threats: Manufacturing's Silent Scourge
Insider Threats: Manufacturing's Silent Scourge

The average cost per company for this cybersecurity issue? $8.86 million annually. Like many industries, manufacturing is becoming more digitized and automated, with companies consistently creating new technology to stay one step ahead of competitors. This type of innovation can reap many... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted06/25/2019

Sleep Deprivation Is Harming Your Bottom Line?
Sleep Deprivation Is Harming Your Bottom Line?

A bad night's sleep, or a night without enough sleep, might not just lead to weight gain, it can actually kill you, or leave you badly injured. A Harvard Medical School study—one of many on the subject—found that insomnia is responsible for 274,000 workplace accidents and errors each... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted06/25/2019

Fixing a Toxic Work Culture: Guarding Against the ‘Dark Triad’
Fixing a Toxic Work Culture: Guarding Against the ‘Dark Triad’

Toxic employees can affect turnover, productivity, and morale. And they can be harder to deal with than you may think. You know your company’s culture is toxic, but where is it coming from? Is it a systemic issue? Point-source pollution from a handful of bad eggs? Both? It’s not... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted06/25/2019

Overcoming Machine Vision Challenges
Overcoming Machine Vision Challenges

The challenge of finding a black spot on a black background—and how solving this will cause a paradigm shift. I remember my first interaction with machine vision. It was exciting, because I had this image of all the things you’ve seen in the movies. I always remember the scenes in... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted06/19/2019

How Data can be Monetized in Core Manufacturing Operations
How Data can be Monetized in Core Manufacturing Operations

Data is a crucial component of digital transformation in the manufacturing sector. In fact, it lies at the foundation of every digital initiative. However, data in itself is not a value driver. It must be put to use. In general, manufacturing operations collect more than enough data to form a... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted06/19/2019

10 Signs You May be an Insecure Leader (and How to Be More Confident)
10 Signs You May be an Insecure Leader (and How to Be More Confident)

At some point in our lives and our leadership, we all experience insecurity, and when we act out of that insecurity we tend to behave badly. Sometimes harming our relationships and reputation in the process. Especially for leaders, insecurity affects not only ourselves but also those around... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted06/19/2019

Special ITR Economics Webinar on Next 2 Decades of Growth & Decline
Special ITR Economics Webinar on Next 2 Decades of Growth & Decline

MTI is pleased to announce a special offer by our official sales forecasting partner, ITR Economics, on two special webinars in June and July. These webinars will provide you great insight into the growth of the 2020’s and the recession ITR feels is coming in the 2030’s. ... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted06/12/2019

Facebook & Twitter Brings Real-time News to MTI
Facebook & Twitter Brings Real-time News to MTI

With change happening so fast in the marketplace, MTI has made an increased effort to help keep members informed on key developments that can impact various aspects of your business. Since one of the keys to making great decisions in today’s business climate is immediate information, MTI... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted06/12/2019

Industry 4.0 Offers Manufacturing Improvement Opportunities
Industry 4.0 Offers Manufacturing Improvement Opportunities

Five key competencies of digitally mature organizations serve as a good base for making sure you’re prepared to take advantage of the technologies available. For decades, manufacturers have driven continuous improvement and quality management programs based on Lean, Six Sigma, or overall... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted06/5/2019

Micromanagers in the Making? Why Salespeople Struggle to Lead
Micromanagers in the Making? Why Salespeople Struggle to Lead

When salespeople become managers, they often do a horrible job. Four key steps can help them—and all soon-to-be managers—make the shift, says Frank V. Cespedes. This sad scenario plays out at many firms: Top-performing salespeople get promoted to become sales managers, but... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted06/5/2019

HIRING: Speed or Need
HIRING: Speed or Need

You’re probably familiar with the old adage of the iron triangle: given the choice of cheap, fast, or well done, you can only have two. It’s a multiple-choice test that rears its ugly head in the daily operations of organizations of any significant size. You’ve probably even... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted06/5/2019