Furnaces North America Transitions to Virtual Event

Posted By: Tom Morrison Community,

2020 has been quite the year for in-person meetings, with almost all being cancelled nationwide since April. Every association has had to adjust, innovate, and create an alternative learning and networking experience for their industry. The Metal Treating Institute’s marquee event, Furnaces North America, scheduled for September 30 - October 2, has had to take the same path.

After much analysis, feedback from past attendees and exhibitors, and the uncertainty of COVID-19, the MTI Board of Trustees has approved for the Furnaces North America Trade Show and Conference to transition to a virtual format.

MTI and FNA leadership are very excited about the virtual option for 2020. The fully virtual format will now give leaders of heat treating companies and divisions an opportunity to engage all of their heat treating personnel in the training and trade show experience. Three LIVE webcasts, 35 technical sessions, and access to a “who’s who” list of suppliers will come straight to every computer, beginning September 30th through October 2nd, 2020.

MTI 2020 President, Jim Oakes from Super Systems stated, “With so much of our business moving to a digital arena, FNA 2020 will be a great opportunity for the heat treating industry to take a step into this digital space. Although we will miss the in-person interaction, the FNA team is working hard with digital technology to create the same personalized interaction digitally. The great thing about digital, is FNA can bring the latest knowledge and trends to every heat treater’s computer screen at a very affordable value."

FNA Show Producer, Tom Morrison states, “The FNA Show Production team has been working diligently on our virtual strategy for both exhibitors and attendees. It is going to be an energetic and dynamic experience that encompasses all of the same features of a live event, including technical sessions, networking, and exhibitors. Participants are going to love it, because now every captive and commercial heat treater can engage his entire company or division to participate and learn right from their computer."

Attendees will be able to experience the virtual exhibit hall for free. For those wanting to view the 3 LIVE panel discussions and 35 technical sessions, FNA is offering a special rate for attendees of $199 for each of the first two registrants from a company, and $49 for every person after that. To qualify, everyone must register on the same online registration form. MTI members will have a promo code to get 25% off their total registrations as an added value. MTI wants to make the virtual conference affordable for all members, allowing them to register as many people as possible to take advantage of this learning opportunity. Registration will open August 1, 2020.

Furnaces North America is the largest heat treat only trade show and conference in North America, happening only every other year. FNA is produced by the Metal Treating Institute, in conjunction with their media partner, Industrial Heating Magazine.


For full details on the FNA 2020 Virtual Show, visit www.FurnacesNorthAmeric.com. If you have any questions, feel free to contact FNA 2020 at fna@heattreat.net.