MTI Board of Trustee Nominations
Each year, the MTI Nominating Committee has a "Call for Nominations" from the general membership to fill the open Board seats on the Board of Trustees. The Nominating Committee analyzes the nominees, and then submits the slate of recommended Trustees for the open seats to the membership for approval at the MTI Annual Business Meeting. This year that meeting is being held at the Hilton Downtown Columbus in Columbus, OH on October 16, 2024.
Below is the full listing of open seats, those eligible to serve, and a link to place your nomination.
Please keep in mind that the position of Trustee takes considerable time and money (inasmuch as the Trustee personally incurs all travel and hotel expenses while attending three Board meetings a year, two of which are at the general membership meetings). However, being a member of the Board also supplies contacts and information about our industry that you can't get any other way.
Remember, when making your nomination, only those persons listed on the MTI rolls as Voting Representatives or Alternates are eligible. If you are unsure if the person you nominate meets the prerequisites, please click the link below to view eligible individuals. They also must be willing to serve, and accept the obligations of the office. Please don't feel that you shouldn't list your own name as a suggestion. If you have the time and are willing to do the job, the Nominating Committee wants to know about your interest.
Open Board Seats For Nominations
Atlantic Coast Chapter: 1 Seat (CLICK HERE for Eligible Members)
Current Atlantic Coast Board Member, John Quaglia from Bennett Heat Treating Heat Treating is eligible for another term and is willing to serve if re-elected.
Pacific Coast Chapter: 1 Seat (CLICK HERE for Eligible Members) Current Pacific Coast Board Member, Heather Falcone from Thermal-Vac Technology is eligible for another term and is willing to serve if re-elected.
At-Large Seat: 4 Board Seats (CLICK HERE for Eligible Members)
Current At-Large Board Members, Greg Temple from Winston Treating is eligible for another term and is willing to serve if re-elected.
CLICK HERE to Submit Your Nomination Online
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact Tom Morrison at the MTI Office at 904-249-0448 x103 or