
Community Industry

How Heat Treaters Can Guarantee a Faster and Less Stressful Quality Audit – Part 1 of 2
How Heat Treaters Can Guarantee a Faster and Less Stressful Quality Audit – Part 1 of 2

Let’s face it. Audits are never fun, especially if you’re using mostly manual or paper processes. They involve: · Tracking down every scrap of paper that you need to prove that you’ve done everything right; · Proving that heat treated parts meet the... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted05/25/2023

Manufacturing by the Numbers: May 2023
Manufacturing by the Numbers: May 2023

U.S. manufacturing contracted in April for the sixth consecutive month. The old adage ‘you can't manage what you can't measure’ has never been truer, especially in the industrial sector. Having the right data about your plant, your business, and the industry in general is essential if... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted05/18/2023

Supply Chain Volatility Drops, GEP Index Shows
Supply Chain Volatility Drops, GEP Index Shows

Global supply chain capacity was underutilized in April for first time since June 2020, as companies de-stock inventory. For the first time since June 2020, global supply chain capacity is now underutilized, indicating a shift to a buyers' market, according to an analysis by supply chain... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted05/18/2023

MTI Board Approves Workforce Development Strategy
MTI Board Approves Workforce Development Strategy

The Metal Treating Institute is excited to announce the Board of Trustees have approved the most progressive strategy in recent history for workforce development. This initiative, called Jobs of Tomorrow will help attract the next generation of workers to the heat treating industry. Jobs of... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted05/18/2023

US Growth Cools in First Quarter as Recession Fears Deepen
US Growth Cools in First Quarter as Recession Fears Deepen

U.S. gross domestic product rose at an annual rate of 1.1% in the January to March period, markedly less than expected. U.S. economic growth lost steam in the first quarter as gloomier business investment countered a rise in consumer spending, the Commerce Department said Thursday, while the... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted05/11/2023

Pitfalls and Potential of ChatGPT in Manufacturing
Pitfalls and Potential of ChatGPT in Manufacturing

The technology can be used to automate mundane tasks, but users should beware of its security lapses and capacity for error. ChatGPT is grabbing headlines in recent days. The large language model (LLM), which launched in November, is already being discussed as a technology that could solve nearly... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted05/11/2023

5 Steps to Future-Proof Your Plant
5 Steps to Future-Proof Your Plant

The heat treat industry is always evolving, so companies must continually look for new ways to improve their systems, add value to their company, and boost profits and sustainability for growth. According to a recent study conducted by a group of 100 registered event attendees, creating systems... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted05/11/2023

Operationalizing Analytical Insights
Operationalizing Analytical Insights

The key to dealing with disruption is agility. The key to agility is having a strategic approach to harnessing data flows in real time using today’s digital tools. Agility is essential for manufacturers to deliver a solution that suits consumers and brands. Indeed, Industry 4.0 describes an... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted05/4/2023

US Manufacturing Contracted Again in April: Survey
US Manufacturing Contracted Again in April: Survey

The ISM manufacturing survey rose slightly to 47.1% last month, up 0.8 percentage points from March. U.S. manufacturing activity shrank again in April as companies continued to match slowing demand by cutting new orders, according to survey data released Monday. The contraction registered by the... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted05/4/2023

Who’s Responsible for Leading a Lean Transformation?
Who’s Responsible for Leading a Lean Transformation?

Hint: It's not your in-house lean expert. Your lean culture depends on you providing the correct answer to this basic question: Who leads and owns the lean transformation? Who has the responsibility to create and sustain the culture that enables lean behaviors throughout the organization? I... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted05/4/2023

AI in Manufacturing: 11 Focus Areas to Consider
AI in Manufacturing: 11 Focus Areas to Consider

Accelerating the use of AI can result in substantial benefits, but manufacturers must proceed with a practical understanding of the best applications. Artificial Intelligence adoption and deployment seem to be less extensive and mature in industrial manufacturing than in most other industries.... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted04/27/2023

Work Schedules Look Different to Younger Workers
Work Schedules Look Different to Younger Workers

70% of younger workers said they would quit their job in favor of one with more control over their schedule. Figuring out strategies to accommodate younger workers entails being open to ways of working that are taking new directions. One recent direction involves when employees want to work.... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted04/27/2023