NAM to Spend $10 Million on 2020 Campaign

Posted By: Tom Morrison Community,

Ahead of its 125th anniversary and the 2020 elections, the NAM announced this week a member-driven campaign to raise at least $10 million for the newly established “Creators Wanted Fund” to inspire and drive more Americans to pursue careers in modern manufacturing. The fund aims to achieve two goals: first, to fund a sustained investment in The Manufacturing Institute, to grow programs like “Heroes MAKE America” and the “STEP Women’s Initiative,” and second, to keep the spotlight on manufacturing and change perceptions of manufacturing careers during a critical presidential election year.

In 2020, the NAM will bring a “Creators Wanted” mobile tour of modern manufacturing to parents and students in 20 to 25 states over 18 weeks, unveil a year-long nationwide digital campaign to recruit new talent to the industry, and host a “Making America” Festival in Cincinnati, Ohio. The September 2020 festival will convene manufacturers from across the country and feature interactive exhibits, thought leadership forums, and entertainment that will showcase the future of modern manufacturing in America.

According to the NAM’s Manufacturers’ Outlook Survey, manufacturers regularly cite the inability to attract skilled workers as their top challenge. And according to a study by The Manufacturing Institute and Deloitte, the skills gap is expected to leave 2.4 million manufacturing jobs unfilled by 2028. The campaign aims to cut the skills gap by 600,000 workers by 2025; increase by 25% the number of students enrolling in technical and vocational schools; increase by 25% the number of students enrolling in apprenticeships and reskilling programs; and raise to 50%—from 27%—the number of parents who would encourage their children to pursue a career in modern manufacturing.

Ingersoll Rand Chairman and CEO and NAM Board Chair Michael Lamach, Emerson Chairman and CEO and former NAM Board Chair David Farr, and former Fluor Corporation Chairman and CEO and former NAM Board Chair David Seaton will co-chair the campaign. “This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to leverage our organization’s unmatched strength to tackle the workforce crisis with immediate and long-term solutions,” said Lamach in a press release announcing the campaign. Read The Washington Post’s coverage of the announcement here. To learn more about getting involved with the campaign, visit

MTI is a member of NAM’s Council of Manufacturing Associations with over 120,000 companies members combined through all 250+ trade associations.