
Community Industry

Coronavirus Exposes Auto Industry’s Lack of Plan B
Coronavirus Exposes Auto Industry’s Lack of Plan B

Inadequate backup plans and limited supply chains have put the automotive industry in an especially tenuous position for surviving the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, according to two analysts studying the situation. Should the situation extend close to the first day of Spring, the effects of that... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted02/27/2020

Global Manufacturing Economic Update
Global Manufacturing Economic Update

Continued Progress Globally, but with Risks from Coronavirus The Monthly Toplines Prior to the ongoing novel coronavirus global health outbreak, the Chinese economy was starting to show signs of stabilization. Manufacturing activity expanded for the sixth straight month, despite the... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted02/20/2020

Big Brother is Watching Your Supply Chain
Big Brother is Watching Your Supply Chain

Blockchain technology will enable both manufacturers and their customers to watch products move through the supply chain. Blockchain is being used today to track products and their ingredients backwards and forwards through every stage of the supply chain. In addition to improving responsiveness... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted02/20/2020

An ICS Security Checklist
An ICS Security Checklist

Because industrial control systems (ICS) security is complicated, it is vital to have comprehensive defenses. In traditional cybersecurity, a breach can expose, corrupt, or even hold enterprise data systems captive. While a traditional data breach can cost money and debilitate enterprise IT... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted02/13/2020

Can You See Beyond the Hype?
Can You See Beyond the Hype?

AI has become a buzzword for most recent tech releases. Question is whether or not it's living up to the hype. Hype is a crucial component to introducing any emerging technology into the marketplace. It draws attention and, in many instances, entices organizations to come out onto the bleeding... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted02/13/2020

Influencing Skilled Labor in 2020 and Beyond with STEM
Influencing Skilled Labor in 2020 and Beyond with STEM

Finding solutions to close the manufacturing skills gap through science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The skilled labor shortage is nothing new. Depending on who you ask, this problem goes back several years or several decades, and it’s getting worse all the time. In 2006 and... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted02/13/2020

Digital Supply-Chain Transformation with a Human Face
Digital Supply-Chain Transformation with a Human Face

Why building a digitally enabled supply chain is hard, and what to do about it. In an earlier article, we looked at an inconvenient truth of supply-chain technology: the modern supply chain is still a fundamentally human endeavor. Smart algorithms may be able to generate faster, more accurate... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted02/6/2020

Industrial Exoskeletons Unlikely to Weaken Workers, says Vanderbilt University Expert
Industrial Exoskeletons Unlikely to Weaken Workers, says Vanderbilt University Expert

Exoskeletons for work and industry are being utilized by early adopters, especially in the automotive industry. These are wearable devices that are worn on top of workers’ clothing that aim to reduce fatigue, increase safety, and in some cases, improve productivity. However, many questions... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted02/6/2020

In “Turning Point for Manufacturers,” U.S. and China Sign “Phase One” Deal and USCMA
In “Turning Point for Manufacturers,” U.S. and China Sign “Phase One” Deal and USCMA

At a ceremony at the White House on Wednesday, attended by NAM President and CEO Jay Timmons, the United States and China signed the “Phase One” trade deal between the two countries, securing a key victory for manufacturers in the ongoing trade talks between the two countries. Timmons... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted01/22/2020

Why Firewalls Aren't Going Anywhere
Why Firewalls Aren't Going Anywhere

Written off multiple times as obsolete, firewalls continue to elude demise by adding features and ensuring that VPNs keep humming. Not that long ago, bold predictions were being made by some of the most noteworthy pundits in the technology community that the majority of Internet infrastructure... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted01/22/2020

U.S. Housing Starts at 13-year High, Factory Output Gains
U.S. Housing Starts at 13-year High, Factory Output Gains

U.S. homebuilding surged to a 13-year high in December as activity increased across the board, suggesting the housing market recovery was back on track amid low mortgage rates, and could help support the longest economic expansion on record. There was also some encouraging news on manufacturing,... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted01/22/2020

NAM CEO, Jay Timmons Addresses Council of Manufacturing Associations
NAM CEO, Jay Timmons Addresses Council of Manufacturing Associations

The Council of Manufacturing Associations (CMA) is a non-profit in affiliation with the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM). CMA represents over 250 trade associations in the world of manufacturing, including MTI, with a combined membership of over 120,000 businesses. CMA meets twice a... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted01/16/2020