
Community Industry

Electric ‘Flying Car’ Start-up Archer Teams up with Fiat Chrysler
Electric ‘Flying Car’ Start-up Archer Teams up with Fiat Chrysler

Fiat Chrysler is teaming up with air mobility company Archer to help lower costs and accelerate the launch of an electric “flying car,” more formally known as a vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft. The deal will give California-based Archer access to Fiat Chrysler’s... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted01/21/2021

Introverted Leaders are Hidden Talent who can Move Your Company Forward
Introverted Leaders are Hidden Talent who can Move Your Company Forward

Uncovering the hidden talent in your organization is the competitive advantage you can’t afford to lose. Winning the talent war isn’t about perfecting your recruitment game – you already have the right employees! You need to learn how to identify them, and how to turn your eyes... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted01/21/2021

Car Industry Changing Under the Hood
Car Industry Changing Under the Hood

Auto electronics are becoming more centralized, connected, and complex, and the entire supply chain is realigning around those shifts. After an initial burst of autonomous activity, the automotive ecosystem regrouped, re-evaluated its goals, and is now ready to begin deploying new technologies... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted01/14/2021

The Resistance to Innovation - That’s Burning Profits
The Resistance to Innovation - That’s Burning Profits

What if there was a way that you could significantly increase the value of your business? A study done by McKinsey indicates this is possible. Many businesses could boost their overall value by an incredible 20% if they adopt innovations and take advantage of the technological advances in their... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted01/14/2021

Ten Lessons from the Feedback Boot Camps
Ten Lessons from the Feedback Boot Camps

Here are ten lessons that emerged from the great dialog in my two recent Feedback Boot Camp workshops. We all appreciate feedback from trusted sources on what we are doing that is working and what we can strengthen or change to improve our success. In general, people feel as if they don’t... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted01/7/2021

6 Essentials of Successful Audits in Heat Treating
6 Essentials of Successful Audits in Heat Treating

Successful audits start with successful heat treat processes that are managed, controlled, and documented properly. The essentials are sometimes easy, maybe even obvious, and can usually be implemented quickly to kick-start your preparations for the next audit. The appropriate production... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted12/17/2020

The Right Tools for Every Job: Lean and Agile in Maintenance
The Right Tools for Every Job: Lean and Agile in Maintenance

Why tomorrow’s maintenance function will combine the strengths of lean and agile organizations. Over the past seventy years, lean management’s focus on the reduction of waste and process variability through rigorous standardization and continuous improvement has transformed... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted12/17/2020

How 3D Printing will Reshape the Oil and Gas Industry
How 3D Printing will Reshape the Oil and Gas Industry

With multiple new technologies being introduced to the suffering oil and gas industry in 2020, 3D printing is the latest fad to gain traction in the space. Additive manufacturing has been extremely useful during the Covid-19 pandemic, delivering vital PPE to frontline workers across the globe. But... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted12/17/2020

Paulo Products Awarded 2020 Commercial Heat Treater of the Year Award
Paulo Products Awarded 2020 Commercial Heat Treater of the Year Award

NEWS RELEASE Date: December 10, 2020 Paulo Products Awarded 2020 Commercial Heat Treater of the Year Award At its Fall Virtual Membership Update on December 2nd, the Metal Treating Institute (MTI), the largest network of heat treaters in the world, in partnership with Industrial... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted12/10/2020

MTI Donates $52,000 to MTI Educational Foundation
MTI Donates $52,000 to MTI Educational Foundation

The Metal Treating Institute is excited to announce the Board of Trustees has approved a year-end donation of $52,000 from the proceeds of the FNA Virtual Conference and Trade Show to the MTI Educational Foundation. MTI President, Jim Oakes from Super Systems stated, “Given the impact of... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted12/10/2020

Managing a Multigenerational Team at a Manufacturing Company
Managing a Multigenerational Team at a Manufacturing Company

How managers can make the most of a mixed-age team to maximize its efforts. Manufacturers in the U.S. find themselves in a challenging position as they try to find the right people to fill the job openings within their ranks. The generational gap has never been greater in the manufacturing... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted12/10/2020

Indirect procurement: Insource? Outsource? Or both?
Indirect procurement: Insource? Outsource? Or both?

A more thoughtful balance between homegrown capabilities and outsourcing can help companies generate more value from an often-overlooked opportunity. For many organizations, indirect procurement—purchases of services and supplies that support business operations—is a source of... Continue Reading

Postedby Tom Morrison
Date posted12/3/2020