MTI Designing Purchase Order Best Practices Video

Posted By: Tom Morrison Community,

Every commercial heat treater has been in that place where you get a purchase order from a customer, and guess what? It’s missing numerous pieces of vital information to perform the heat treat services needed.


Various elements are left blank or omitted including:


  • Current state of materials
  • Where is part in the manufacturing process
  • Method of packaging
  • Any secondary services needed, like blasting or oiling
  • Part prints
  • List of controlling specifications required


These are just a few of the pieces of critical information needed to fill in the blanks of an effective purchase order, that can keep you from guessing or assuming and cut down on a plethora of calls and emails.


MTI’s leadership is in the process of developing an outline of purchase order best practices, that will be turned into an industry instructional video that every member can share with their customers.


The goal of the video is to better educate the buyer of heat treating part and products on what the proper steps are, and the key elements needed to a complete purchase order.  The video will focus on:


  • Elements a buyer needs to have in the PO
  • Supporting documents that are helpful when included with the PO
  • Elements not needed in a PO


MTI should be rolling out the video in late March for every member to link to in their emails and purchase orders. 


Thank you for being a member of MTI.  It is through your membership that MTI is able to create these types of valuable resources at no charge to members.