Tackling Your Every Day Challenges

Posted By: Tom Morrison Community,

Every heat treater has two enemies working against your ability to thrive and grow everyday:

  • The Labor Drought
  • Time…Never Enough

With these two enemies in your face every day, it is important for every heat treater to think through how to get work done differently in order to maximize productivity and output.

Because of these two daily challenges, it is important that you and your key management attend Furnaces North America 2022 (FNA 2022).  FNA 2022 is the largest heat treat only trade show and technical conference in North America.  The focus on this year’s show is to help heat treaters overcome challenges occurring in the labor market and to address the problem of not having enough time to get the work done.   

During FNA 2022, you will experience 35 technical sessions on:

  • Maintenance
  • Equipment
  • Energy
  • Compliance
  • The Future
  • Quenching
  • Ferritic Nitrocarburizing
  • Productivity
  • Metallurgy
  • Cleaning

Each of the 35 sessions are focused on bringing new processes and technologies to the table to help your heat treat operations maximize productivity and output without adding much human labor.


CLICK HERE to view the FNA 2022 Technical Sessions.


During FNA 2022 you will also meet over 150 top suppliers and talk one-on-one about the new technologies they are bringing to market to help improve your operations.  Each of these suppliers are ready and eager to listen to your challenges, opportunities, and daily operational issues, and are looking to help you meet them head on.


CLICK HERE to see the list of top suppliers exhibiting at FNA 2022.


But the biggest reason to attend FNA 2022 is the NETWORKING.  Both captive and commercial heat treaters from all across North America will be attending.  During FNA’s Opening Night Kickoff Reception and Trade Show Floor Reception, you will have the opportunity to connect in with the best minds in heat treating and learn new, creative solutions to your daily challenges.

FNA 2022 will be hosted in Indianapolis, IN on Oct 3 – 5.  There are two steps you need to take to meet your industry challenges head on: 

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to improve your operations.  For full details on FNA 2022, you can visit FurnacesNorthAmerica.com.