MTI Webcast: Battling a $1,000,000 Air Quality Risk for Heat Treaters

Posted By: Tom Morrison Community,

Join us for a critical update on September 25th, where MTI will cover the significant efforts happening in California regarding a proposed air quality rule that could have far-reaching consequences on your company. If passed in California, this regulation will most likely serve as a model for federal implementation across the U.S., posing a serious risk for heat treaters.


In this webcast, MTI’s Tom Morrison will host a discussion with the Executive Director of the California Metals Coalition and two MTI Members who are actively engaged in the regulatory process. They will provide the latest insights on both California and federal air quality standards.


DATE: September 25th
TIME: 2:30 pm ET

CLICK HERE to RSVP for this important webcast.


In the Fall of 2023, the Metal Treating Institute launched the Regulatory Impact Task Force to monitor and address government regulations that could present significant challenges to the heat treating industry. Shortly after its formation, the task force encountered a critical issue: Southern California's proposed Rule 1435, which would place heat treaters into compliance tiers based on the number of furnaces operating above 1,250 degrees.


For companies in the highest compliance tier, the rule could mandate costly controls and enclosures, with expenses exceeding $1,000,000. Recognizing the immense potential impact, MTI has partnered with the California Metals Coalition to conduct research, raise awareness, and educate regulators on the consequences of this rule.


To support these efforts, MTI has approved a $120,000 defense fund for the effort with the California Metals Coalition. Since early 2024, the MTI task force—chaired by Michael Mouilleseaux of Erie Steel Treating—has been actively engaging with regulators on Rule 1435. MTI Members in California have already commented on the positive results from MTI’s efforts on the rule making process..


Don't miss the webcast on September 25th at 2:30 pm ET to get the full update on this critical issue.