MTI Industry Status Report: April 28 Check-In Business & COVID-19

Posted By: Tom Morrison Community,

Starting on April 3rd, MTI began sending a “weekly check-in” to members to help gauge the operations status of heat treating companies. Here are the latest results from our three key questions requested by members as of this week: 


At what level of operations is your plant?

These findings have stayed fairly steady the last four weeks with over 60% of members being at full operations, and 25% being at 50% operations. 



What percent of your customers have shut down?

Customer shutdown trends have remained about the same the last 3 weeks with the majority of companies experiencing less than 20% of their customers being shut down.



How many workers have taken advantage of FFCRA with regards to leave?
Workers taking leave under FFCRA have remained consistent with the numbers below for the last three weeks.


Stay up to date with new survey responses as they become available, and view a variety of other resources on MTI’s Coronavirus Resources page: CLICK HERE to view.