Key Resources Helping Members Push Through COVID-19

Posted By: Tom Morrison Community,

When it comes to any crisis, having the right information and resources at your fingertips is critical to weathering the storm and minimizing the negative forces working against your company. The key in any storm is to remember, “You can’t control the storm or the wind, but you can control your rudder and your sails.”


In the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, there is so much you can’t control outside of your plant.  However, you can control how you respond, and how you take action. MTI is consistently updating our MTI Coronavirus Resource page to keep you updated on trends and information to help you navigate this storm: CLICK HERE to view the most current information. This page provides key information, documents, and webcasts for your reference on every key element of COVID-19.


A number of MTI’s well-established programs are playing key roles in helping members as well.  The following are key resources many members are tapping into to gain clarity and focus in their key decision making during this challenging time:


Monthly Sales Reporting & Trends Program

Each month, 135 heat treaters input their monthly sales figure in MTI’s secure and password-protected system. Only they ever see their individual sales figures, but when the reporting period ends each month, members in the program easily download a 13-page report showing their 12-month trends and rankings against the industry in graphs and tables. Most participating members tell MTI it is the #1 management tool they use every month to help them in day-to-day decision making. These reports are also useful to provide to your banker for financial analysis, as well as to review with your sales and production teams. If you aren’t in the program, you are missing out on valuable data that could be helping your organization make more informed decisions.  CLICK HERE to view program details and access the link to setup your account.


Quarterly Sales Forecasting Report/Webinars

Whereas MTI’s Sales Reporting is looking at current trends, the Forecasting Program looks to the future. If you are in MTI’s Sales Reporting Program, each quarter you are invited to view the MTI Sales Forecasting Webinar presented by ITR Economics. ITR is one of the world’s leading economic forecasting companies. During these 30-minute webinars, ITR unpacks the heat treating sales forecasts for the next 1, 2, & 3 years and the key industries that will drive your sales like agriculture, aerospace, automotive, mining, medical, and electronics. CLICK HERE to view past forecast reports. The next sales forecasting webinar is on May 5th. You’ll want to make sure to participate in the Sales Reporting Program and don’t miss out on a valuable tool to help you navigate planning for the future.  This is another great resource that you can provide to your banker and review with your sales and production teams.


MTI Academy Online Training

Having qualified people who have a firm base level of knowledge on heat treating is key to your plants(s) running with maximum productivity, and to building confidence, credibility and safety in your team and your organization. MTI’s online training academy hosts the industry’s best technical and managerial training available to heat treaters. MTI’s Academy has 6 certificate programs in heat treating, safety, and supervisory skills as follows:


  • Qualified Furnace Operator Certificate
  • Heat Treat Technical Specialist Certificate
  • Heat Treat Specialist Certificate
  • Heat Treat Managerial Specialist Certificate
  • Keys to Supervisory Skills Certificate
  • General Plant & Workplace Safety Certificate


CLICK HERE to view the MTI Online Academy of Heat Treaters.

CLICK HERE to enroll your company for unlimited use of the MTI Academy courses. MTI members are eligible for significantly discounted rates.


For more detailed information, contact Amanda Motes at or 904-249-0448 x102.


MTI Energy Program

MTI enjoys a great partnership with APPI Energy to provide energy procurement for MTI members. APPI Energy is endorsed by over 150+ trade associations for their energy services and technology. With the energy markets currently at record lows, APPI Energy is helping members navigate how they can maximize this opportunity with better reporting technology, more efficient usage, and buying strategies. 


CLICK HERE to view recent webcast with MTI & APPI Energy.


To receive a free energy cost analysis from APPI Energy, contact Carolyn Johnson at


In these critical times, MTI’s leadership and executive management team is working every day to deliver what you need to weather this storm. Stay strong. Fight the good fight. Tap into the resources that MTI has to help you maximize your success through the rest of 2020. We can all make it out of this storm stronger together.


Remember, you’re not just strong…You’re MTI STRONG!