What The Best Leaders Are Doing About Change Exhaustion

Posted By: Tom Morrison Community,

For organizations to be successful they must always be evolving. Even in the best of times, the shifts and changes of that evolution often take a toll on people. The best leaders understand the nature of change exhaustion and act to reduce it, especially in times of great change and stress.

Of course any new processes and structures come with their own set of problems. But understanding how those changes affect your team is the first step in leading them through. I coach my clients to embrace the following principles:

Show empathy. I cannot overstate the importance of empathy. When people are stressed and exhausted, it’s the most important step you can take. Resist telling your team “This is how it’s going to be.” Instead, show true leadership by listening and responding from the heart. Let your people know you’re in this with them.

Communicate constantly. When people don’t know what’s going on, they quickly become frustrated. Especially in times of change, communicate constantly and consistently. Too many leaders worry that they’re saying too much. But don’t be afraid to repeat important points, even daily. Allow for candid discussion so people can safely speak their mind.

Manage expectations. Most people resist change. That’s human nature. But we’re in a world of constant change, and there’s no going back. So work to manage expectations and guide people carefully through changes. Keep the pace of change reasonable by focusing on the highest priorities.

Foster resilience. Change is never easy, but the way your team responds—as individuals and collectively—will shape the culture of the organization into the future. Try to help your team learn to view change positively, as an opportunity for building and using new skills in the face of high demand.

If you want to build a legacy organization, part of your charge as a leader is to ingrain in your team that there is no end point. Show that continued success requires constant evolution. Model resilience and agility and help your team understand that those qualities are directly linked to new opportunities and growth. Change the message of exhaustion into one of energy—the energy that fuels innovation and success.

Lead from Within: The best leaders know it takes energy to be excited by change. And by generating excitement and positive messages around new initiatives, they help their employees and organizations embrace change and disruption with ease.


Written by:  Lolly Daskal, one of the most sought-after executive leadership coaches in the world, for the Lolly Daskal Blog.