SAVE DATES: MTI Economic Forecast & Technical Standards Webcasts

Posted By: Tom Morrison Community,

As an MTI Member, two of the most valuable resources that provide your company clarity, certainty, and compliance, are the LIVE webcasts for MTI’s Quarterly Economic and Heat Treat Forecasts, and the Technical Standards Compliance Updates. 

The next set of webcasts are being hosted August 29 and September 10.  See details below:

With all the uncertainty surrounding the economy and constant changes happening with audit compliance and technical specifications, both of these webcasts provide the inside information and clarity your team needs.

To give Members a sense of how accurate the ITR Economic team is, when COVID-19 hit the U.S. in March of 2020, ITR adjusted their year-end forecast to (-17.8%) and heat treat sales ended 2020 at (-18%). It is this accuracy, in both up and down markets, that provides you and your team the clarity you need to make sound labor, operations, purchasing, and equipment decisions. Forward this email to your executive leadership, management, and quality team, and encourage them all to attend.  Webcasts details are as follows:


Economic and Heat Treat Sales Forecasts

WHEN:  August 29 at 2 PM ET – CLICK HERE for viewing link


WHO SHOULD ATTEND:  Owners, Executive Leadership, & Management


Technical Standards Committee Report 

WHEN:  September 10 at 2 pm ET – CLICK HERE to RSVP

PRESENTED BY:  MTI’s Technical Standards Committee Leadership  

WHO SHOULD ATTEND:  Anyone connected with Quality & Audit Compliance


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