MTI’s New Cyber Security Committee Hosts Kickoff Call

Posted By: Tom Morrison Community,

During MTI’s Winter Strategic Meeting this past January, MTI established a new committee focused on best practices in Cyber Security.   In this new age of connectivity and the Internet of Things, protecting information and processes coming in and going out electronically is critical.


MTI’s new Cyber Security Committee kicked off its work with a meeting this week.  Among those on the committee call were:


  • Paul Armitage, Service Heat Treating
  • Ben Bernard, Surface Combustion
  • Stevan Bradican , Applied Thermal Technologies
  • Bill Disler, AFC-Holcroft
  • Jamie Jones, Solar Atmospheres
  • John Quaglia, Bennett Heat Treating
  • David Reger, Winston Heat Treating
  • Derek Wesley, Super Systems


The committee also had representatives from Praetorian Cyber Security Solutions to provide insight and clarification to many issues.


The committee discussed in great detail the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) cyber security specifications.  With the NIST being so complex and lots of moving parts, the committee discussed how it could break the spec down into bite size pieces for MTI members to understand and take action.


After a lot of discussion and questions, the following points and action steps were agreed to be taken in the upcoming weeks:


  • The Committee would focus on 3 verticals impacted in heat treating:
    • General Industry
    • Aerospace (ITAR – DEFARS)
    • Government Contracts
  • The Committee will development of series of articles on Cyber Security 101 to help educate members on importance of having a cyber security strategy.
  • The Committee will develop a checklist of key elements to have in a company’s Information Security Policy (ISP). It is crucial in business today that every plant have an ISP and that everyone understands it.
  • The Committee will develop a checklist for members to assess their overall plant vulnerabilities, gaps, and risks in their current operations, as it relates to potential cyber attacks.
  • Present the best practices for purchasing Cyber Security Insurance.
  • Identify potential funding available at universities for performing cyber security gap analysis.


MTI will focus its May 28th, Heat Treat LIVE Webcast, on the work of the Cyber Security Committee.  Tom Morrison will interview 2 MTI members and a representative from Praetorian Cyber Security Solutions.  This is an hour show you don’t want to miss.  Stay tuned for further details.