MTI Operational Cost Survey Opening February 1

Posted By: Tom Morrison Community,

One of MTI’s top value benefits for Members is our Semi-Annual Operational Cost Study.  Comparing how you perform against industry averages is critical in analyzing how competitive you are. Why? Because costs drive quotes. MTI’s Ops Cost Study gives you the inside track on how competitive you are on costs, and where you need to focus on improvement.


Every six months, commercial heat treaters from the U.S. and Canada input their figures into MTI’s online, secure, and password protected system for 11 key cost metrics. At the end of the reporting period, those who input their data can download a full report that compares your figures to the following:


  • All Companies
  • Companies of Similar Size
  • Top 50% in Sales
  • Bottom 50% in Sales
  • Companies with a Profit
  • Companies with a Loss


You are also ranked on your level of performance among all companies of similar size to yours.


The metrics that MTI’s Ops Cost program tracks are:


  • Total Labor as a % of Sales
  • Total Utilities as a % of Sales 
  • Transportation as a % of Sales 
  • Maintenance as a % of Sales 
  • Health Benefits as a % of Sales 
  • Workers Compensation as a % of Sales 
  • General & Administrative as a % of Sales 
  • Net Profit as a % of Sales 
  • Average $ per Order
  • Sales Per Employee 
  • Delivery


Members in the program state this is highly valuable information because it measures your performance against the industry averages, helping drive your teams to improve.


MTI’s online Ops Cost survey system is secure, confidential, easy to use and navigate.  No one ever sees your data.  MTI’s 6-month reporting period ending December 31 will open for you to input your data for your comparative report.  The final report will be available for download on March 31.


CLICK HERE for full details and links to participate. 


If you are not in the ops cost program and would like more information, go to and click on Operation Cost Survey under the Benefits tab on top menu.


If you would like to setup a personal online demonstration of the program, contact Tom Morrison at