MTI Launches New Insurance Risk Management Video

Posted By: Tom Morrison Community,

One of the biggest challenges for the heat treating industry is finding business insurance at an affordable rate with quality coverages.  Many carriers are canceling coverage for heat treaters, raising rates significantly, or just not offering it.  This is due in part, to an insurance company and/or underwriter not truly understanding how a heat treat plant operates and the priority and importance the heat treat industry places on safety and risk management.

The Metal Treating Institute has produced an industry video that any MTI Member can use in their insurance quoting process to share with their insurance agent or carrier to help them better understand how much emphasis heat treating companies place on safety and risk management.  

The video, as well as a shareable link, is below for you to view and pass on to your insurance company or agent. 

Shareable link to send to your insurance agent or carrier:

If you are unhappy with your current business insurance program and want to get a free quote from MTI's Official Insurance Program, CLICK HERE to see full details and a link to inquire.  MTI’s business insurance program now has over $1,000,000 in annual premium and continues to grow.

Take advantage of this valuable resource in your insurance quoting process.  If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to MTI at