MTI Heat Treat LIVE a HIT

Posted By: Tom Morrison Community,


If you haven’t been tuning into MTI’s monthly LIVE webcast, Heat Treat LIVE, you need to take a look at it.  Each month, MTI’s Tom Morrison interviews one to three guests who are experts or engaged members on the topic being discussed.


During the webcast, members are able to easily submit questions or comments to the panel or each other.  MTI has received pictures of plants with their key management in a conference room with the show beamed up on a wall and everyone watching.


Heat Treat LIVE is a monthly opportunity to keep your team informed on what is happening outside your plant, that impacts you inside the plant.  A best practice after each show is to have your team discuss what they learned, and whether there any changes you feel you need to make from what was learned.


Topics that have been featured the last several months are:


  • Key Elements to 2759, 2750, and CQI-9 Specifications
  • How to Drive Employee Engagement to Attract Workers
  • How to Build High Performing Teams
  • Direct Verification & Portable Hardness Tester Changes
  • Industry 4.0…How the Future is Changing Heat Treat Plants


These are just a few of the monthly webcasts you can view replays of. 


The next webcast is scheduled for May 28th at 2 pm EST on the hot topic of Cyber Security.  CLICK HERE to RSVP.


To view any of our past episodes, CLICK HERE.