MTI Fall Meeting & FNA 2022… Defeating Your Top Enemy: Labor Shortage

Posted By: Tom Morrison Community,

If you are like every other heat treater in the industry, qualified labor with a good work ethic has dried up.  The toughest challenge holding back productivity and output for any plant is enough labor.


What we have learned from numerous labor experts is this trend will continue throughout the decade of the 2020’s.  The labor drought is pushing heat treaters to think about how to get work done differently.  This includes automation, high efficiencies, better workflow, robotics, and even artificial intelligence.


MTI’s Fall Meeting, held in conjunction with Furnaces North America 2022 (FNA 2022) is the heat treating industry’s marquee event every other year.  FNA 2022 will attract attendees from over 40 states, including Fortune 500 companies.  For three days attendees take part in networking, connections, and learning about the vast changes taking place on emerging technologies, industry trends, and advances in equipment. 


35 Technical Sessions and over 125 top suppliers will provide you the knowledge and creative ideas you need to win the battle against the labor drought. 


At FNA 2022, you will learn new processes, see new equipment and connect with other heat treat executives on new solutions to your daily labor and operational challenges.


Change is happening at such a rapid pace in today’s economy, you and your team can’t afford to miss FNA 2022.  Demographic shifts, emerging technologies, a shortage of workers, plant automation, and consumer buying habits are driving what is manufactured…when…and how.


FNA 2022 has three dynamic elements that will deliver the answers you and your team need in order to maximize your productivity, people resources, and output.


ELEMENT #1:  Learning that LASTS

FNA 2022’s technical conference, designed by a team of heat treaters and suppliers, has 35 key sessions that focus on a wide array of technical issues in over 10 tracks including:


  • Maintenance
  • Equipment
  • Energy
  • Compliance
  • The Future
  • Quenching
  • Ferritic Nitrocarburizing
  • Productivity
  • Metallurgy
  • Cleaning


These 10-tracks are presented by top experts in their field.  CLICK HERE to see full details on the technical sessions.


ELEMENT #2:   Business that CONNECTS

The most active part of any FNA experience is the trade show.  With over 125 top suppliers in every facet of heat treating, this is where the daily needs of heat treaters are fulfilled.  On the show floor, heat treaters and suppliers connect to learn about each other, what heat treaters are challenged with, and how suppliers can solve those issues.   FNA’s Expo is a must for any owner, GM, plant manager, or manager in maintenance, quality, or production.  FNA 2022 encourages companies to bring your key management team to help introduce them personally to the new trends and technologies shaping the future of heat treating.  The 2-days of the show floor is highly productive for any decision maker in a heat treat plant due to being able to see all the latest technology in one room.  CLICK HERE to view current list of exhibitors.


ELEMENT #3:  Networking is EVERYTHING

At FNA 2022, attendees experience a set of exciting social functions that allow heat treaters and suppliers alike to connect with one another to discuss the new ideas they learn during the conference and trade show.  They also share their daily experiences in dealing with issues like energy, employee recruitment/retention, maintenance, audit compliance, plant safety, and equipment purchases.  FNA social events also help suppliers to get away from the trade show booth and listen to the heat treater’s needs in a more informal environment.  This provides suppliers an opportunity to serve the heat treater better and develop products for their specific needs. 


Furnaces North America 2022 provides the networking, technical training, and business connection that you need to build a bright future within your operation.  Take the opportunity to attend FNA 2022 in Indianapolis, IN, October 3-5. 


It will be the best 3-days you spend for your company all year.


The key is to reserve your hotel room now.  It will sellout.  Then register for the meeting soon after.


For meeting details and registration, visit