MTI Board Approves Workforce Development Strategy

Posted By: Tom Morrison Community,

The Metal Treating Institute is excited to announce the Board of Trustees have approved the most progressive strategy in recent history for workforce development. This initiative, called Jobs of Tomorrow will help attract the next generation of workers to the heat treating industry.  Jobs of Tomorrow is a 24-episode docu-series that plays on top streaming services, like Amazon Prime and Roku.  Each season of Jobs of Tomorrow has six episodes from four different industries.

MTI has partnered with WorkerBee TV to develop a series of digital video assets and a distribution strategy that will be used by Members on three levels:  to educate potential workers, retain current workers, and grow interest in the heat treating industry.

CLICK HERE to view a short video on Jobs of Tomorrow strategy. (password to view is:  MTI)

CLICK HERE to view a video of thoughts shared by other leaders of key industries already involved with the Jobs of Tomorrow initiative.

Over the next year, MTI will collaborate with WorkerBee TV in developing the following for the Jobs of Tomorrow Project:

-       (6) 22-minute episodes to appear in the 2024 season of Jobs of Tomorrow

-       (6) 4-minute episodes used as micro learning videos for Members to share throughout their local community, with high schools, technical       schools, and colleges.

-       (6) 45-second episodes to be used as promos on social media, like Facebook, Instagram, and Tik Tok.

Each of the (6) 22-minute episodes will have a different theme to educate and inform viewers about what heat treating is, its impact on society, and the various jobs and career paths available within the industry.

Each of the 18-videos will encourage anyone viewing the videos to go to to look up the many exciting opportunities within the heat treat industry.  Once on, potential workers will be able to access a state-of-the-art job board where Members can post job openings at a savings, compared to the many other job boards in the marketplace.

MTI’s President, Jim Orr from Penna Flame Industries, stated, “The Board is very excited about the Jobs of Tomorrow strategy.  It is going to give all heat treaters the promotional tools they need to market in their local communities the career and job opportunities available in this great industry.  And the fact that the episodes will appear on major streaming services gives us access to potential workers we could never reach before. Having our own job board connected to Jobs of Tomorrow just adds greater value to the membership of MTI.”

MTI CEO, Tom Morrison, states, “It is an exciting time to be a Member of MTI.  The leadership is laser-focused on helping Members win the battle on workforce development and drive a new generation of workers to the heat treating industry.”

MTI will be hosting a LIVE webcast soon to share the vision of Jobs of Tomorrow and how Members can be involved.  Stay tuned…the webcast notice will be sent by the end of May. 

For more information, feel free to contact Tom Morrison at