MTI 2023 Member Resources Focused on 6 Key Areas to Grow Productivity, People, Quality, and Safety

Posted By: Tom Morrison Community,

As MTI Members look into 2023, uncertainty and rapid change will be two of the biggest obstacles that most will face.  With inflationary pressures, uncertainty about the on-going recession, and a tight labor market, it is a challenge to navigate the market to know what path to take to grow your company.  Having access to real-time, relevant information is key in 2023 and beyond.


In MTI’s latest Monday Operational Check-ins, Members share the following:

  • 76% met or exceeded their expectations and forecasts for their business plans in 2022
  • 24% did not meet their expectations and forecasts in their business plans in 2022
  • The top four areas of concern in 2023 are labor, sales growth, operations, and HR


The Metal Treating Institute listens intently to the results of the Monday check-ins to help drive valuable solutions in providing programs, resources, and services to help members drive success and growth.  MTI is putting a lot of focus on the areas mentioned above, and is working to connect Members with information, experts, and resources to do the following: 

  • Financial trend analysis and forecasting
  • Quality and Safety
  • Worker Recruitment and Retention
  • Operations and Production
  • Connection to Real-Time Information
  • Helping to Grow Your Connection to Other Key Executives and MTI Members


CLICK HERE to view an easy-to-read one-page summary of MTI’s resources, broken down by each area. 


Three of MTI’s leading programs that Members are engaged to improve operations are:

  • Monthly Sales Reporting Trend Reports
  • Online Technical & Managerial Training
  • (NEW) Business Insurance Program


In the area of quality and audit compliance, MTI’s Technical Standards Committee has a full slate of webcasts and in-person meetings to help your quality teams be in the front of change coming with many technical specifications in 2023.


MTI continues to work diligently to provide a communication structure that puts real-time information in your hands through: 

  • Monday morning operational check-ins
  • Weekly e-news
  • Monthly LIVE webcasts
  • Monthly printed newsletter – MTI Insight
  • Facebook & LinkedIn pages
  • Quarterly mini-mag in Heat Treat Today


MTI is passionate about getting member companies engaged in the programs and services that can help them to navigate the challenges ahead and seize the opportunities. Don’t leave money on the table. Tap into the resources within MTI. 


Download the benefits summary page (CLICK HERE) and contact our office to help you connect into any program.  Our #1 goal is your success!  Contact us at and note any of the programs or services you would like more information on, and one of our team members will be in contact with you.


Thank you for your support and membership.  We look forward to serving your needs in 2023.