Manufacturing by the Numbers: May 2023

Posted By: Tom Morrison Community,

U.S. manufacturing contracted in April for the sixth consecutive month.

The old adage ‘you can't manage what you can't measure’ has never been truer, especially in the industrial sector. Having the right data about your plant, your business, and the industry in general is essential if you want your company to thrive. This monthly roundup highlights the reports, studies, surveys, and insights that are impacting the manufacturing industry. Here are this month’s stats. 

U.S. manufacturing contracted in April for the sixth consecutive month, but was 0.8 percentage points higher than in March: 

Institute for Supply Management
Manufacturing ISM Report On Business 

New orders for manufactured goods increased $4.9 billion, or 0.9%, to $539.0 billion in March:

U.S. Census Bureau
Monthly Full Report on Manufacturers’ Shipments, Inventories, & Orders 

New orders of manufacturing technology increased 16.5% in March to $543.2 million:

AMT – The Association For Manufacturing Technology
U.S. Manufacturing Technology Orders Report 

U.S. manufacturing industry added 11,000 jobs in April:

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Employment Situation Summary 

Manufacturing expected to expand by 1.7% in 2023, a slower pace than projected in December 2022: 

Institute for Supply Management
Spring 2023 Semiannual Economic Forecast

Manufacturing activity in New York State declines, down forty-three points from the previous month:

Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Empire State Manufacturing Survey

Written by:  Alexis Gajewski, Author, for Plant Services.