Let Your Voice be Heard...Join the Conversation

Posted By: Tom Morrison Community,

Each week MTI sends Members a weekly business operational check-in. The check-in is one question on a key issue, providing some great insight into how Members are handling key issues, impacting their daily operations and overall strategy. The following are some key results over the last several weeks. If you aren't receiving these quick weekly emails, contact Kristen Speer at kristen@heattreat.net and we will make sure you receive them.

With the labor shortage, do you drug test for pre-employment?

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Do you perform random drug testing?

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Do you accept medical marijuana cards?

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With workers comp, where are you seeing most of your injuries?

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With the first half of the year behind you, what is your level of optimism for growth the second half of the year?

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Thank you for being awesome Members. Our #1 goal is your success!