Federal and Nationwide Grant Programs for Technical Training

Posted By: Tom Morrison Community,

As any heat treating company enrolls their employees in MTI’s Online Academy, the question is always, “Are there any grants available to help pay the cost of the training for up-skilling or re-skilling my employees?”  The answer is YES!

The U.S. and Canada manufacturing sectors are a critical driver of economic growth, and skilled workers are essential to its success. To support workforce development, several federal and nationwide grant programs in U.S. and Canada provide funding to businesses and workers for technical training. These programs help companies offset training costs, improve productivity, and ensure employees have the skills needed for evolving manufacturing technologies. Below, we explore key grant programs and how to access them:


1. Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Grants

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) is a federal program designed to provide job seekers and workers with training opportunities to enhance employability. WIOA funding is distributed through state and local workforce boards to support customized training programs.

Eligibility and Benefits:

  • Employers can receive funding for on-the-job training (OJT), incumbent worker training, and apprenticeships.
  • Grants are available for individuals seeking certification and vocational training in manufacturing.

How to Apply:

  • Contact your local workforce development board via CareerOneStop.org
  • Work with local community colleges or training providers to develop eligible programs.

2. Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Grants

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) operates the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) program, which offers grants and technical assistance to small and medium-sized manufacturers.

Eligibility and Benefits:

  • Businesses can access funding for workforce development, process improvement, and technology adoption.
  • MEP centers exist in all 50 states and Puerto Rico, providing training and advisory services.

How to Apply:

  • Visit the NIST MEP website to find a local MEP center.
  • Work with an MEP representative to develop a training plan and apply for available funding.

3. H-1B Skills Training Grants

Funded by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), H-1B Skills Training Grants aim to reduce reliance on foreign workers by investing in U.S. workforce development.

Eligibility and Benefits:

  • Funding is available for training programs in high-growth industries, including advanced manufacturing.
  • Grants support apprenticeships, on-the-job training, and classroom-based skills training.

How to Apply:

  • Employers and training providers can apply through the DOL website.
  • Partner with local workforce boards or educational institutions to develop proposals.

4. Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grants

SBIR and STTR programs provide research and development funding to small businesses, including those in the manufacturing industry, to develop innovative training solutions and workforce technologies.

Eligibility and Benefits:

  • Open to small businesses working on workforce development tools and training technologies.
  • Supports businesses conducting research that leads to new workforce training programs.

How to Apply:

  • Check available funding opportunities at SBIR.gov.
  • Submit proposals through the grants.gov portal.

5. Apprenticeship Grants through the ApprenticeshipUSA Program

ApprenticeshipUSA, managed by the Department of Labor, provides grant funding to expand and develop registered apprenticeship programs in various industries, including manufacturing.

Eligibility and Benefits:

  • Employers receive funding to cover costs associated with registered apprenticeship training.
  • Grants help workers gain hands-on technical skills while earning wages.

How to Apply:

  • Employers can connect with the ApprenticeshipUSA website for available grants.
  • Partner with state apprenticeship agencies to access funding.

6. Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Grants

The TAA program supports workers who have lost jobs due to foreign trade by offering grants for skills training and reemployment services.

Eligibility and Benefits:

  • Displaced workers can receive funding for technical training and certification programs.
  • Employers can partner with training providers to upskill eligible workers.

How to Apply:

  • Workers can apply through their state workforce agency.
  • Employers can collaborate with local American Job Centers to access funding.



1. Canada Job Grant (CJG):

  • Overview: The CJG is a federal program designed to reduce the costs of third-party skills training for new and existing employees. Each province and territory administers its own version of the program, tailoring it to local workforce needs.​ 
  • Funding Details: Employers can receive non-repayable grants covering 50% to 100% of training costs, up to $5,000 to $15,000 per trainee. Eligible expenses include course fees, examination fees, textbooks, and training materials.​ 
  • Eligibility: Canadian small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with $2 million in liability insurance. Trainees must be Canadian citizens or have been granted refugee status.​ 
  • Application Process: Employers should apply through their respective provincial or territorial government websites. ​

2. Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) Programs:

  • Overview: Programs like WILWorks Skilled Trades provide wage subsidies to employers offering quality training periods in advanced manufacturing.​ 
  • Funding Details: Eligible employers can receive a wage subsidy of up to $5,000 to support training periods of eight weeks or more. 
  • Eligibility: Manufacturing employers willing to provide hands-on training experiences to participants aged 15-29.​
  • Application Process: Employers can apply through organizations like Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium (EMC). ​

3. Provincial and Territorial Programs:

  • Overview: In addition to federal initiatives, various provinces and territories offer their own training grants and subsidies tailored to local industries.​
  • Examples:
    • Ontario: The Advanced Manufacturing and Innovation Competitiveness (AMIC) program provides support for capital investment and technology adoption.​ 
    • Alberta: Emissions Reduction Alberta offers funding for innovative technology projects, including those in manufacturing. 
  • Application Process: Details and eligibility criteria vary by region. Employers should consult their provincial or territorial economic development agencies for specific information. ​

4. Sector-Specific Initiatives:

  • Overview: Certain sectors within manufacturing may have dedicated funding programs to support training and development.​
  • Example: The Mining Industry Human Resources Council (MiHR) offers programs like Gearing Up, which provides wage subsidies for work-integrated learning in the mining sector. 
  • Application Process: Employers in specific sectors should consult relevant industry councils or associations for available funding opportunities. 

By leveraging these programs, manufacturing companies can offset the costs associated with technical training, thereby enhancing their workforce's skills and competitiveness.​

As the labor shortage continues to grow, training is the key to maximizing efficiency, productivity, and throughput.  Enroll your company today in the MTI Online Academy for Heat Treaters at www.MTIAcademy.com or contact DeAnna Morrison at deanna@heattreat.net.