Facebook & Twitter Brings Real-time News to MTI

Posted By: Tom Morrison Community,

With change happening so fast in the marketplace, MTI has made an increased effort to help keep members informed on key developments that can impact various aspects of your business.  Since one of the keys to making great decisions in today’s business climate is immediate information, MTI has been growing its social media presence in 2019.   


If you want to know real-time, key information from MTI, you will want to “LIKE” our Facebook and Twitter pages.  Once on our Facebook page, you will see that MTI is posting out daily information on committee work, task force groups, industry events, meeting updates, and much more. 


CLICK HERE for MTI’s Facebook page.


CLICK HERE for MTI’s Twitter page.


MTI’s Facebook page is our way of having an on-going conversation with members that compliments MTI’s mobile app discussions at MTI Connect.


MTI’s goal is to provide information you need in a format you desire.  MTI currently posts news-worthy elements through:


  • Weekly E-newsletter
  • Monthly Printed Newsletter
  • MTI Connect Mobile App
  • MTI Webcasts – Heat Treat Live
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • YouTube (videos)
  • Flickr (picture galleries)


If you have any issues with connecting with any of the above platforms, feel free to contact MTI at 904-249-0448 x100.


Thank you for your support of MTI!