4 Reasons MTI Monthly Sales Reports Energize Your Business

Posted By: Tom Morrison Community,

Each month, over 130 MTI member heat treat plants input their monthly sales figure into a secure, private, password protected, online platform. This helps to provide them the key sales data, trends, and forecasts, ultimately allowing them to predict with precision a number of different critical factors in operations, production, and sales.


Having these reports every month at your fingertips gives you a competitive advantage in the marketplace.  With them you can predict the future in your business with confidence…without them, you are guessing.


Here are four ways members are using MTI’s Monthly Sales reports to energize their productivity, people, and profits:


Motivating Sales People, Operations, and Production

MTI’s sales report ranks every company in their local region and nationally by volume of sales.  No one sees another company’s sales numbers.  You only see how you rank.  (See picture from report.)




The report shows your ranking in your local region, nationally, and what your market share is as well.  By making this ranking page an important part of your monthly team meetings, as well as posting on a wall in your plant, you add a competitive fire to your team to perform better in sales, operations, and production…pushing through more volume and rising up in the rankings. 


We live in a day and age where people love to compete as teams, especially the younger generation.  By rallying your team around improving your rankings, you add fun and excitement to the work week.  …especially if you add an incentive of some type as you climb up the rankings or improve in market share.


Sales Forecasts that Help You Predict with Precision

Each quarter, ITR Economics prepares an 8-page report that is part of a 30-minute webinar with MTI; breaking down the industry-wide sales numbers.  They provide a sales forecast for 1, 2, and 3 years.  What is powerful about ITR is that they have a proven track record of predicting the ups and downs in the economy with 94% accuracy over the last 60+ years.  That is why members in the sales program look forward to these highly-valuable reports/webinars each quarter.  CLICK HERE to view a past report.


Keeping Your Banker Informed

Many of our members provide the monthly sales report and forecasts to their bankers to keep them informed on how trends are progressing.  Financial professionals love this because it gives them confidence in you as a customer. It gives them vital information to help provide you with more access to financing and working capital.  One member shared that in 2009, when no one else could get financing, they did because through MTI’s report, they showed even though sales were down 20%, their sales rankings and market share were up.  This demonstrated they were doing better than the competition and they got their much needed financing. 


Investing in the Industry

So many commercial heat treaters rely on the monthly sales report to make big key decisions in their business.  Investing the couple of minutes each month to input your sales number into the program is helping other commercial heat treaters around the country to grow their business, provide jobs to the families they support, and help the industry be a thriving place to do business.


If you are not enrolled in MTI’s Monthly Sales Reporting program, you should be.  You can start by CLICKING HERE and completing our account setup form.


If you are in the program, THANK YOU for being in a program that is making a difference in many people’s lives. 


If you have any questions on the Sales Program, contact Tom Morrison at tom@heattreat.net.