MTI Launches NEW Member Rewards Program

Posted By: Tom Morrison Community,

When talking to Members about what keeps them up at night, key pain points stick out:

·       Uncertainty about the business climate

·       Fluctuations in the cost of doing business

·       Rising cost of labor

·       Accessibility and rising cost of business insurance

·       Having qualified people who can perform work correctly

The good news for Members of the Metal Treating Institute is that MTI has incredible solutions for all five areas…and MTI wants to reward you for participation in the programs.

MTI is excited to announce the start of our first ever, Member Engagement Rewards program!

We know that your time is valuable and that it is such a precious resource for any business. We also know that it takes time to plug in and participate in the programs that MTI offers to help your business run more smoothly, thus providing you the clarity and confidence in your management decisions.  So, for investing the time participating in these key programs, we are going to reward your participation. 

Here is how it works:

Any Member participating in MTI’s 3 key benchmarking programs (Sales Forecasting, Ops Cost Analysis, and Wage & Benefit Survey), plus either the MTI Online Academy or our new Business Insurance Program with Precision Manufacturing Insurance Services, your company will receive $300 in November.

You heard right!  Companies that are participating in these areas will receive a $300 check in November!!

Our experience shows that it takes most companies an average of around 6 hours per year to input the data in the key programs listed above. We want to reimburse that time spent to make those resources even more valuable for you: $50/hr for 6 hours a year comes out to $300!

Each of these programs provide great value, so let us reward you for taking the time to be engaged in them!

To find out which programs you are not currently participating in with the MTI Membership Rewards Program, please reach out to Kristen Speer, MTI’s Director of Member Experience at 904.249.0448 x101 or